StoryFit and Sherlock logos sitting side-by-side

StoryFit Sherlock

Nice to finally meet you!

Meet Sherlock, StoryFit's audience predictive platform.

Screenshots of two browser screens- the top screen showing a table of data with the Sherlock logomark overtop. The second screenshot shows a line graph with purple and orange lines and accompanying analysis for each

The fastest, most sophisticated predictive audience sentiment platform in the world. Sherlock unlocks the true value of your content library by helping you discover which content audiences will respond to best.

StoryFit's Sherlock is easy to use. We upload the entirety of your content library onto the Sherlock platform using closed captions. Then you search for content based on keywords or topics and see how audiences will respond.

  • Power up your content
  • Discover which content will drive your audience
  • Produce keywords and topics