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What Makes For a Successful Comedy Series?
In the realm of entertainment, few genres hold as much broad appeal, and challenge, as comedy.  Comedy’s ability ...
StoryFit Successfully Predicts Audience Sentiment
What if you could predict how an audience will respond to content before it’s actually produced and distributed ...
AI Uncovered 5 Fascinating Insights About This Year’s Best Picture Oscar Nominees
2020 was a year of unprecedented change, but one thing helped us get through it -- entertainment! Whether ...
Join Our Can’t Miss Webinar  –  Culture Shock: How COVID Changed the Supply and Demand of Streaming! As the global outbreak of COVID-19 continues to push human behavior in many directions, we're studying changes ...
Why stories matter–and how technology can serve them
Stories are important. They help us create our world. Now, maybe more than ever, it’s critical that we ...

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